[rays of light]

All of a sudden autumn seems to be here. The world seems so different from last week. It is dark when I get up, raining all the time and the temperature has dropped considerably so layers are in order. Everyone is complaining, yet i love it.

I'm ready for autumn, my favourite season of the year. I'm ready to walk in the rain, drink cups of tea while hiding indoors for the storm. Ready for candlelit afternoons and evenings, good conversations with friends, while drinking a good glass of wine. Cuddling up underneath a blanket and re-reading my favourite books.

Yesterday I overheard someone at work saying; 'The world is beautiful if you are willing to see it.' I couldn't agree more. So...

...stop complaining about the weather. Start loving the seasons, including the ones without sunshine. Do the stuff that you love, and you'll create your own rays of light.

[things i love today]

The TOAST autumn collection, especially the Style Stories, I wonder what my style story is...

images via TOAST

Other things I love today...coffee & good conversation at Dudok, a walk in a grey but beautiful city, purring of the kitty, the touch of the wind on my skin, the smell of freshly washed laundry, a glass of good dry white wine w/ a fabulous label and drinking it in memory of a sweet lady and nights in South Africa filled with laughter & love.


Stormhoek wine, Western Cape, South Africa


[every day life]

There were times when I loved documenting every day life. By writing, photographing, making lists etc.But over the past year or so I seem to have lost that loving feeling. All i can think is what a fuss it is. Still, i would love to love it again.

So, I will try and post here daily from now on. If only to post the picture i plan to take daily (which is supposed to get me back into photographing)

There's a plan, now let's see how it will work out!